Title: DisVorced – VET concepts and programmes for professionals working with disabled
children and families in divorced situations
Project type: LLP / LdV – Learning partnership
Ref. no.: LLP-LdV/PAR/2011/RO/051
Promoter /Coordinator: Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH, AT
Duration: 2 years
Actual stage: in progress
Grant value for the Group for European Integration: 14.000 Euro
Objectives and summary:
The main aim of the LdV LP "DisVorced" is to stimulate and initiate a VET concept and programme for social workers working with disabled children and family counselors working with families in divorce situations. Main objectives will be the comparison of VET approaches and concepts in this field on European level, the collection of best practices examples from all over Europe, the exchange of experiences within the partnership and the set-up of an sustainable informal learning and know-how exchange network in this specific field of professional social work.
In this particularly difficult area of social work, the engagement of two kinds of professional workers meet but until now, neither of them are well prepared for the challenge: social workers supporting disabled children do usually have little experience how to deal with families in divorce situations, and professional family counselors are not really prepared for working with disabled children. Both professional experts are lacking of adequate strategies, competences and knowhow to support families with disabled children before, during and after the painful period of a divorce.
To overcome this situation, "DisVorced" will start a process which long term aim is the development of a VET programme providing the above mentioned target groups with appropriate competences and know-how for their professional interventions. Therefore, the partnership will:
- raise public awarenes towards the project's objectives
- define a criteria catalogue for VET content
- publish a handbook with best practice from all over Europe
- exchange knowhow, best practice and quality standards (during 7 transnational mobility events)
- develop a "Green Paper" with strategic VET recommendations
- set-up a sustainable network
- Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH (coordinator), AT
- Karin Dom Foundation, BG
- Deutscher Kinderschutzbund Landesverband Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V., DE
- Asociation de familias y mujeres del medio rural - Aragón (AFAMMER Aragón), ES
- IL GIRASOLE Cooperativa Sociale, IT
- Terenowy Komitet Ochrony Praw Dziecka, PL
- Grupul pentru Integrare Europeana, RO
- Tjörns kommun, Barn och utbildningsförvaltningen, SE
- Edremit Rehberlik ve Araştırma Merkezi (Edremit Counselling and Research Centre), TR
- Vision Europe Limited, UK
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