Title and acronym: Foster European Active Citizenship and Sustainability
Through Ecological Thinking by NGOs [NGEnvironment]
Project type: Erasmus+ Project for Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices – Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education
Ref. no.: 2018-1-DE02-KA204-005014
Promoter /Coordinator: UNIVERSITAET PADERBORN (Germany)
Duration: 01.09.2018 to 31.08.2021
Actual stage: In progress
Total project cost: 333 490 Euro
Total expenditure (grant) for the Group for European Integration: 33 400 Euro
Local coordinator for the University of Piteşti: Dr. Georgeta CHIRLEȘAN
NGEnvironment arises as a relevant contribute for the EU horizontal priorities of improving relevant and high-level basic and transversal competences of EU citizens, in the scope of adult education and under the perspective of lifelong learning, as it aims at capacitate new leaders for change engagement, improving entrepreneurial, foreign language and digital skills and fostering employability, socio-educational and professional development, through NGO action.
By capacitating NGO leaders, NGEnvironment will contribute to improve/extend the supply of high-quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of low-qualified adults so they acquire literacy and entrepreneurship skills, with the recognition of such skills.
NGEnvironment will specifically be tailored for adult audiences, fostering social cohesion, boosting talent and taking their specific needs/concerns into account, and delivering novel learning approaches through a holistic, participative, motivational pedagogical process that will ultimately result in the development of many key competences with a long-term effect on European active citizenship for sustainability.
Social inclusion will be achieved as NGEnvironment seeks to train new NGO leaders providing equal learning opportunities for all, despite their gender, religion, cultural background, age, etc. The project will foster social integration by creating jobs for socially segregated or low-skilled people.
The main general envisaged objectives are:
- To support the development of a new generation of NGO leaders;
- To provide relevant support to existing and future NGO leaders;
- To be at the forefront of strategies and programmes for leadership development that incorporates best practices and current experience/expertise, from a multitude of countries and cultures across Europe (south, north and central).
- Initial Research Report that will be conducted in each country to set the state-of-the-art, establish the general guidelines and inform all development actions in the project.
- Two Training Packages, a pedagogical one, directed at NGO mentors that will host new potential NGO leaders in the immersion programme, and one to specifically train adult new NGO leaders fostering a set of basic competences.
- Online Platform containing all relevant information of the project, hosting a repository for outputs, as well as the associated NGO observatory for showcasing best practice and role models.
- An Engagement Toolkit including paper based, online and audio-visual communication channels assuring a valorisation framework and broad outreach of the project and motivating participation.
- Instructive videos with NGOs best practice and social impacts to provide a cadre of role models or exemplars to support project valorisation. A video documentary tracing the development history of the project will also be produced.
- A ‘Survival Guide for NGO Founding and Funding’ that will be made available to continue to train and instruct potential new NGO leaders;
- A Layman Report explaining the whole projects’ rationale, objectives, main conclusions and resulting case studies.
- A Paper Policy stating why a change of policy approach towards NGO support might be relevant; the policy options available and the pros and cons of each option.
- UNIVERSITAET PADERBORN (Germany) – Project coordinator
Visit our website:
Read more about our activities:
Newsletter no. 1 - EN version (download)
Newsletter no. 1 - RO version (download)
Newsletter no. 2 - EN version (download)
Newsletter no. 2 - RO version (download)
Newsletter no. 3 - EN version (download)
Newsletter no. 3 - RO version (download)
Newsletter no. 4 - EN version (download)
Newsletter no. 4 - RO version (download)
Audio-visual testimonials from NGO leaders and social & green activists
What should be the role of NGOs in nowadays society from the point of view of bringing all citizens together in solving issues and building a European caring and integrative citizenship?
How can the existing NGO leaders support the creation of new NGO leaders?
Modern NGO leaders must be strong agents of change. Which skills and attitudes do they need in this regard?
Engagement Toolkit
NGEnvironment - Brochure1_EN NGEnvironment - Brochure1_RO
NGEnvironment - Brochure2_EN NGEnvironment - Brochure2_RO
NGEnvironment - Infographics1_EN NGEnvironment - Infographics1_RO
NGEnvironment - Infographics2_EN NGEnvironment - Infographics2_RO
NGEnvironment - Leaflet_EN NGEnvironment - Leaflet_RO