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Training of parents of people with disabilities

Title: Training of parents of people with disabilities [TPPD]

Project type: LLP / Grundtvig – Learning Partnership

Ref. no.: 2009-1-TR1-GRU06-05461 4 National ID: GRU-09-P-LP-2-AG-TR

Promoter/coordinator: Yozgat ?l Milli Egitim Mudurlugu, Yozgat, TR

Duration: 2 years
Actual stage: in progress

Total value for the Group for European Integration: 15.000 Euros

The participating institutions will increase their experience on educating parents who have children with disabilities in supporting their children by giving them an appreciable role within the family environment. A comparative report about the kind of education (theoretical or practical) which is more constructive will be created by this Project. The expected impact of the Project is mutual exchanges of experiences, adapted methodologies and knowledge, proposal of training courses and conferences, benefits of acquired skills of other organizations involved, management of an European Project. The Project will use the internal and external evaluation procedures. The web site will be used as the main dissemination field. There will be workshops for staff and parents too. We will improve a curriculum to train parents of people with disability as the main output of the project.

The workshops are essential for the project as the will help parents to feel themselves less alone in their situation and share experiences with people who are living at the same situation


Training of parents of people with disabilities (TPPD) project aims to share experience and knowledge about training of parents of disabled children from the aspects of rights, services and benefits, psychology, health, self care, nutrition and education of children with disabilities.

Target groups:

(a) Parents of children with disabilities

(b) Children with disabilities


In respect of the parents of people with disability are:

- to make the parents recognize the practices in other countries about care of people with disability.

- to contribute parents to share their experiences with the other parents in different countries.

- to share knowledge and experiences to deal with psychological and social needs of themselves that occur due to being a parent of a person with disability can really restrict one’s social life.

- to learn how to take part in active citizenship and to take control of their future life for themselves and their children, by learning about their rights and the services and benefits they are entitled to.

- to learn how to assess their own needs and how to find services and training to meet these needs.

- to be able to improve their social inclusion and that of their children via lifelong learning.

In respect of the staff are:

- to develop their team work skills.

- to collect, exchange and share good practices in providing support and training for parents of disabled children.

- to learn about different cultures and being a party of intercultural dialogue.

- to increase their experience on education of parents with disability about care of people with disability.

- to learn different ways of increasing the psychological endurance of parents with disability.

- to collect, exchange and share good practice in how to encourage and teach parents about the rights of disabled children, as well as self care, nutrition, health, child psychology, and the preparation of education material.

- to create a report about which kinds of education (theoretical or practical) is more constructive.

- to acquire experience about by which methods we can increase the success of practical education.

In respect of the organizations are:

- to share experience and knowledge about the parent education’s role on the education of people with disability.

- to share the experience about education methods in training parents.

- to acquire knowledge about the laws, national education systems, and other services and benefits of different countries.

- to be able to improve new training methods especially on practical education.

- to learn new methods to increase the psychological power of parents because they need psychological support too.

- to have a new curriculum on training of parents of people with disability.

In respect of the children with disability are:

- Children with disability will attend the project (travels, meetings, reports) directly, and this will lead them to meet new friends.

- They will have the opportunity to improve their team work skills

Main activities:

Our main approach will be assuring the parents of people with disability to participate and contribute every phase of project because they are the target group of this project. This means we have a participative approach.

We will perform the necessary demarches and activities in the view of:

- elaborating the planned reports;

- designing the curriculum for education of parents of people with disability (this curriculum will be prepared by contribution of all partner institutions and associate partners);

- developing and maintaining the project’s website;

- performing the dissemination activities

- organizing the project meeting and the mobilities of the learners and staff

We want to improve new education methods we will compare different methods of parent education by taking into account cultural differences.


1. Report “Ways of dealing with the psycho-social problems of parents due to having disabled children.’’

2. Report of ‘”The techniques to increase the role of parents by the purpose of increasing the life quality of disableds.’’

3. Report on ’Positive effects of social activities between parents of disableds’’

4. Report on ‘’Comparative report on negative and positive effect of Culture on parents of disableds”

5. Project meetings

6. Project website

7. Dissemination actions and activities


1. Yozgat ?l Milli Egitim Mudurlugu, TR - coordinator

2. Society for Autism „We learn to live together”, PL

3. FormAzione Co&So Network, IT

4. Grupul pentru Integrare Europeana, RO

5. Ec-Pec Alapítvány (Ec-Pec Foundation), HU